Minnesota Department of Health Home Page Spacer Image gif Environmental Health in Minnesota
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Check the Locational (GPS) status,
Inner Wellhead Management Zone Potential Contaminant Source Inventory (IWMZ PCSI) status,
Sanitary Survey Report status,
and Wellhead Protection (WHP) Tracking status of
Minnesota Public Water Supply (PWS)
Ground Water, Surface Water, and Groundwater Under Influence sources.
These tables also contain links to maps of located PWS sources,
links to scanned well log images in 1Mage,
links to Source Water Assessments and Wellhead Protection pages,
and links to IWMZ PCSI reports.

Select from one AND ONLY ONE of the following 3 drop-down lists.
(selecting from more than one of these will cause the page to reset.)

Select a PWS Type.

Create summary of Locally-Regulated Noncommunity Public Water Supplies.
(takes ~30 seconds to open)